
A Memorial to Wilson

Jul 10, 2018

Wilson stepped up from the very beginning. 

When our little nieces, who live in Texas, went on our behalf to select a puppy for us they selected the one that stepped to the front.  That was Mr. Wilson and as soon as he was old enough he flew to his new home to Orange County, California.

He loved children and he loved people.  Around town, children would roll down their windows and full of glee shout out “Wilson!” because we walked him all around town and he was always very friendly to everyone—not to mentioned obedient and well-behaved. He was, as mommy told him every day, “the best Wilson that ever lived” and when we told him so, the glimmer in his sweet little blue eyes told us that he loved us just as much.  He was a true gentle soul.  Even when his sister Bella, a rescue, joined our family, he never once was angry or aggressive.  He shared everything with her and they became true best friends.  Two years ago when we made the move to Virginia Beach, he never once complained about anything and was always just happy to be with his family–and his toy, Octupus. 

Our friends would often say that “he won the doggie lottery.”  Truth be said, it was us who were the lucky ones. 

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