Essential Oils
Essential oils are extracted from plants and contain the essence of the plant’s fragrance. These oils can be a wonderful addition to your pet’s holistic medical care.
The doctors at Hampton Roads Veterinary Hospice and Integrative Medicine will help you choose essential oils that are specifically beneficial for your pet’s condition. All of the essential oils that we recommend are therapeutic grade, which means they are of the highest quality available. They are extremely safe for both dogs and cats when used as directed. When applied topically to your pet, you will be amazed at the benefits that essential oils can provide. You might even want to incorporate them into your own wellness plan!

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine uses food as medicine. Through thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have seen the benefits of certain foods and herbs in balancing the body and preventing or treating certain conditions.
What is Integrative Medicine?
We are proud to offer integrative medicine as part of our house-call veterinary care services. Integrative medicine combines traditional Western medications and diagnostics with knowledge of Eastern medicine techniques to offer well-rounded care for our patients. The doctors at Hampton Roads Veterinary Hospice have been trained by the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society, The University of Tennessee Certificate Program in Canine Physical Rehabilitation, and the Chi Institute in post-doctoral programs. They have found Traditional Veterinary Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, laser and therapeutic ultrasound, physical rehabilitation, food therapy, Chinese herbal medications, nutraceuticals, and other modalities to be wonderful tools to help treat aging pets without the stress of a visit to the hospital.
Integrative medicine can combine:
- Traditional Medicine & Surgery
- Acupuncture
- Chinese Food Therapy
- Chinese Herbal Medications
- Physical Therapies (Reiki, Tui-na, Chiropractic, Cold laser, Assisi Loop treatment, Physical rehabilitation, etc…)
- Essential Oil treatments
- Western botanical medications
- Nutraceuticals