Pet Loss Grief Support

We understand how heartbreaking the loss of your faithful companion can be and we would like to offer our support during this sad time. As a part of our commitment to the human-animal bond and our clients, we have formed the first pet loss support group for those in the Hampton Roads area who have suffered the loss of a pet. Details about our upcoming meetings are coming soon!

Grief Support for your pet

Grief Support

The death of a pet can have a huge impact on one’s life. Pets are a part of our families and we have very special bonds with them. When a pet dies, it can be hard for others to understand our grief. This can cause our grief to become complicated and take much longer to work through.

At Caring Pathways, we understand the emptiness that comes with the death of your furry loved one. We offer grief support services to help you through this journey and will be with you every step of the way.

Is what I am feeling normal?

There are many feelings associated with the death of a pet. You may experience anger, denial, guilt, and great sadness. These are all normal feelings that our Grief Support Specialist can help you work through in a healthy way.

What is grief?

When a pet dies, it is normal to go through the same grief processes as when a human loved one dies. Grief is the reaction you have to the loss of your pet. This can be feelings of anger, sadness, guilt, etc. Mourning is the process by which an individual deals with the absence of their pet after his/her death. This is expressed by cultural and ritual ceremonies. Many people feel that a ceremony or a memorial of some kind is needed for closure surrounding the death of their pet.

Join Our Facebook Grief Support Group


Are you in a crisis situaton?

If you feel you are in need of immediate crisis help, please call


What services do you offer?

Hampton Roads Veterinary Hospice  currently offers the following Grief Support Services through Caring Pathways:

  • Individual Phone Appointments
  • Family Virtual Face to Face Sessions
  • Ceremony Planning
  • Support can be before or after a pet has passes
  • To request a callback, please contact our office at 720-287-2553 and our team will have our Grief Support Specialist get back to you within 48 hours.

When can I request grief support?

We understand the grief process begins the moment you find out that your pet has a terminal diagnosis. Our Grief Support Specialist can help you work through the anticipatory grief you may be experiencing at facing the death of your pet. You can call us during any time of your pet’s journey for information about our services. These services may include planning a ceremony, having someone help walk you through body care choices (burial vs. cremation), or simply having someone to talk to.

Need to talk? To request a callback, please contact our office at 720-287-2553 and our team will have our Grief Support Specialist get back to you within 48 hours.

grief support

Meet Our Grief Support Specialist:

My name is Mandi Browning and I am pleased to serve the Hampton Roads Veterinary Hospice team as the Grief Support Specialist. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in thanatology (death, dying and bereavement). I have taught death, dying and bereavement courses for school district staff and college students at Front Range Community College and have experience working in a human hospice as a social worker and volunteer coordinator. My heart is to help and guide you through this journey of grief.

Video Resources

Helpful Online Resources

In addition to the pet loss support provided by the Hampton Roads Pet Loss Support Group, there are many online resources for help dealing with grief. These websites contain information about the normal grief process, how to help others through their grief, and how to identify grief in fellow pets. We try to keep you informed of the online resources available, both here and on the Support Group’s Facebook page, which often links to online chat room support groups. Whichever form of support is right for you, please remember- you are not alone.

The Association for Pet Loss & Bereavement Online Pet Loss Chat Rooms
Pet Loss Support Hotlines
The Argus Institute’s Grief Guide
Children and Pet Loss
The OSU College of Veterinary Medicine: “Coping with the Loss of a Companion Animal.”
The OSU College of Veterinary Medicine: “Helping children cope.”
The OSU College of Veterinary Medicine’s Recommended Reading List
The OSU College of Veterinary Medicine: “Additional pets – do they grieve?”
The OSU College of Veterinary Medicine: “Coping with pet loss.
Amazon’s Pet Loss Best Seller List

Resources for Children

Children grieve very differently than adults. For support and info on what to look for, please contact the Grief Support Specialist.

  • When Dinosaurs Die, A Guide to Understanding Death by Laurie Krasny Brown and Marc Brown (ages 6-10)
  • Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck Deklyen (ages 6-10)
  • The Tenth Best Thing About Barney by Judith Viorst (ages 4-9)
  • Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White (ages 6-10)
  • Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt (ages 9-13)
  • Dog Heaven by Cynthia Rylant (ages 4-11)
  • Cat Heaven by Cynthia Rylant (ages 4-11)
  • The Day Tiger Rose Said Goodbye by Jane Yoles (ages 6-9)
  • I’ll Always Love you by Hans Wilhelm (ages 2-6)
  • Jasper’s Day by Majorie Blain Parker (ages 6-10)
  • The Legend of the Rainbow Bridge by William N. Britton

Ages are a recommendation but may be used for other ages. For more support and resources for children, please contact the Grief Support Specialist.

children's resources
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