A Memorial to Sampson

May 28, 2015

In Loving Memory Of Sampson


My husband and I adopted Sampson from the Humane Society when he was 10 years old. We wanted an older cat because we already had a cat who was 8. I knew Sampson was our   cat the moment I saw his bubbspicture on their website. He was so beautiful and his eyes were so soulful. Whenever you looked into his eyes you just got this sense that he knew everything there was to know. He was shy at first and spent a lot of time on our kitchen cabinets observing from his perch, but he gradually came out of his shell and we got to see how truly special he was. He was gentle and liked to take things slow, which is how he got the nickname “Bubba”. He loved two things most in the world, food and a lap to lay on. His only job was to love and he did it so well. He was always with us. He followed us around especially these last few months and the moment we sat down he was on our lap. Sampson was a social butterfly. He was always the first to greet us or anyone who walked through the doors.














Since we found out Sampson was sick in December our lives changed. All of our decisions revolved around him and his needs. We made a promise to ourselves to enjoy IMG_0483every moment with him as precious, even the sleepless nights. We had a mantra in our house, “whatever Bubba wants”. His body deteriorated but his love did not. On our last day together we went outside and enjoyed the sunshine.

My husband and I sat together with him and admired how beautiful he was as the wind blew through his fur. Everybody told us we would know when it was time by looking in his eyes and it was true. He was tired. We held him and told him we loved him the whole time. It was the hardest thing we have ever done, but it was exactly as we wanted it.We have 3 other cats, but our house feels lonely without him there under our feet. We had eight wonderful years together that we will always treasure.

We miss you so much our sweet Bubbs. You were truly an amazing spirit and an extraordinary cat. Thank you for sharing your love with us. You will live in our hearts forever.


We love you.





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