Bailey Memorial

Mar 19, 2013


Bailey Hunter

My dearest Bailey,
This is the letter I have dreaded writing since the day I brought you home. The finality of your loss is closing in around me as I type. It is like reading the last page of the best book you have ever read.

I have written this letter 1000 times in my mind but I can never seem to find just the right words to tell you what you mean to me. “Companion”, “friend”….they just don’t seem to capture the depth of our relationship. It feels more like you are a part of me. I don’t remember life without you.

We have so many memories…I am not sure which to capture. I remember that patient you helped me with at the hospital. The young woman who was so wounded and angry…you knew just what to do. You always seemed to just know. You laid your head upon her lap and the walls of bitterness and anger crumbled as she sobbed into your fur. You sat there so quietly, so gracefully…no words were needed. I also remember a few summers ago when you were told to stay on shore; but I turned around to a splash and saw you swimming after Ryan as he paddled away in the kayak. I knew then that you loved him too. My fondest memory of you will always be at the beach. As a puppy, you would frolic for hours in the sand and ride the waves of the surf to the shore. As you aged, you found joy just laying beside my chair, taking in the salty air, the wind in your face, and enjoying togetherness. You always wore the most beautiful smile. I know these memories will burn brightly in my mind and I am comforted that even death can not take those from us. I hope they will dull the deep ache of longing for you. We haven’t really ever been apart.

Bailey, to say you were extraordinary doesn’t seem like enough. You are such a good girl Bailey Jane. The most incredible dog I have ever known. There will never be another like you. You had a long, beautiful life; but it is just never enough time. I love you forever and I miss you always. Wait for me at the bridge Bailey. Until then
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart) ee cummings

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