Charlie Keefe

Dec 26, 2024

Charlie the Good Dog
You are my best friend, Charlie the Good Dog.
You fill my life with joy and love.
You wag your tail and lick my face.
You make me feel like I belong.

You love to eat your duck jerky treat.
You chew it with delight and gusto.
You even share it with me sometimes.
You are so generous and kind.

You love to go on walks with me.
You sniff and explore the world.
You chase the squirrels and birds away.
You are so brave and bold.

You love to sleep and snore in my bed.
You cuddle with me all night.
You keep me warm and safe and calm.
You are my shining light.

When you go over the rainbow bridge,
You will leave a hole in my heart.
But I will always remember you.
We will never be apart.

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