
Sep 1, 2024

How do I say goodbye? You came into our lives on a hot June day in Texas over 15 years ago, with your sister pulling the rope you had been tied to after being dumped in our neighborhood. It was love at first sight. You were the definition of unconditional love. Even when we weren’t sure we could keep you both, as we already had two other dogs, the universe had other plans. It was just meant to be.

You were my goofy, big-hearted boy, barking at a garbage bag as easily as chasing a squirrel up a tree, and drinking from every sprinkler in the neighborhood as if it were your personal water fountain. As new members of our fur family came into our lives, you were always welcoming, happy to share your treats and couch space. You were content with belly rubs and neck scratches, and that little nub of yours would wag a hundred miles an hour.

As time passed and you began to age, we had to say goodbye to your sister and other furry loved ones. But you stayed, steadfast, wanting to see us through. Though we had to say goodbye yesterday, and I agonized over the decision, I knew it was the right one when I saw your little nub start to wag—it hadn’t done that in some time. I hope that was your way of telling me, “It’s okay to leave, Dad,” and maybe even saying, “I see my friends and sister waiting for me.”

I’ve always wondered why “dog” is “God” spelled backwards. I hope it’s because dogs love us unconditionally, forgive us so easily, and are simply happy to be with us. Lucky, there’s a quote that says, “To love someone is to see the face of God that is invisible to others.” Boy, did you love us. Though someone thought you and your sister were trash, you became the best treasure I could have ever received.

Love you, buddy.

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