by CaringPathways | Jun 27, 2024
No matter how long your beloved dog or cat has been in your life, it never feels long enough when the time comes to say goodbye. The heartbreak of losing a family member cannot be denied, but there are ways to honor your pet’s legacy with dignity and love and help...
by CaringPathways | May 30, 2024
Bucket lists can be a powerful tool to celebrate a beloved pet and create positive memories during what can otherwise be a sad and anxious time. It can also provide a sense of control and help families feel that while it’s not possible to cure their pet’s disease or...
by CaringPathways | Jun 21, 2024
Written by Dr. Mindy Brewster, Caring Pathways Veterinarian Understanding Nasal Tumors: For pet owners facing the heart-wrenching reality of having a beloved pet diagnosed with nasal cancer, the journey likely seems daunting. Nasal cancer results from the uncontrolled...
by CaringPathways | Apr 12, 2024
Facing the end of your pet’s life is challenging at best, but more likely, heartbreaking. It feels impossible to separate your desire to not allow them to suffer with your own grief of losing them. You know that you do not want them to be in pain but also cannot...
by CaringPathways | Apr 10, 2024
For pet parents, our beloved companions are cherished members of our families, offering unwavering love and friendship. However, as pets age, they may encounter health challenges, which can be emotionally and logistically overwhelming. Fortunately, advancements in...