by CaringPathways | Aug 21, 2024
So often in my work as an end-of-life care veterinarian, I bear witness to pet owners grappling with the decision to euthanize their pet. They express that, more than anything, they want to get the timing right. They don’t want their pet to suffer, and they also don’t...
by CaringPathways | Jun 27, 2024
No matter how long your beloved dog or cat has been in your life, it never feels long enough when the time comes to say goodbye. The heartbreak of losing a family member cannot be denied, but there are ways to honor your pet’s legacy with dignity and love and help...
by CaringPathways | Jan 29, 2024
Being the caregiver of a geriatric pet, or one who has received a life-limiting diagnosis can be difficult and scary. Challenges associated with caring for your special family member, adapting schedules to meet their needs, and fear of the unknown can all lead to...
by CaringPathways | Feb 1, 2023
Losing a pet is a difficult journey for anyone. Although there are some well-accepted stages of the grief process, each person is unique in how they will journey through that process. Parenting our children through that process compounds the complexity of the...
by CaringPathways | Jul 12, 2021
The following article is intended to give pet families a general idea of what to expect when scheduling in-home euthanasia appointment for your loved one. Please give our team a call or send us an email if you have any questions about this process. Before Your...
by CaringPathways | Aug 31, 2022
We know saying goodbye to your beloved furry family member is the hardest decision you will make. Our team at Caring Pathways created this playlist to help provide a calming and reflective atmosphere when that time comes 💜. A Pet Loss Grief Support Playlist We...