

Dec 29, 2023

Our beautiful furbaby boy Hollywood Dreamer “Samson” crossed the rainbow bridge on November 3, 2023, at the age of 10 1/2 years old. He was the best companion and furbaby anyone could have asked for. He was stubborn as only a Bullmastiff can be, loyal, funny, and would protect me (mom) with his very last breath. He was a notorious sock thief. He loved going out to check mail and looking for turtles in the water. He made the cutest little gruff noise when he wanted extra scratches or if it was one minute past dinner time. He was a master drool artist, and his snoring could wake the neighbors. He did not know his own size, as he often thought he was the size of a chihuahua, and would lay, sit, or lean on you just to be that much closer. Samson your furbrother Solomon is waiting for you. Run free baby boy, til we meet again. We love you.

Samson’s mom and dad would like to send a heartfelt thank you to Dr. Lauren Barrow and Dr. Emily Plock for their compassion and kindness with helping Samson cross the rainbow bridge so peacefully.

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