Information Regarding COVID-19

Due to current outbreaks of flu and COVID-19 in Hampton Roads, please alert us prior to your appointment if anyone in your home is sick with a potentially infectious illness. Hampton Roads Veterinary Hospice and Integrative Medicine is dedicated to the health of our...

Pet Loss & Grief Companioning

Dr. Theresa Economos spent last weekend in Tampa, FL completing her certification in Pet Loss & Grief Companioning with Coleen Ellis. This event was hosted at the DogSmith Training Center & DogNostics Career Center. Topics of the course included understanding...

2019 Memorial Tribute

As we head into the new year, we always like to take a moment to reflect on those watching from the Rainbow Bridge. We hope this tribute lets you share in this reflection and smile at the...

2019 Gift Guide for Senior Cats

1. Easy to enter litter box: $31.99. Most cats develop some amount of arthritis as they age and more complicated litter boxes can be difficult for them to climb into! 2. Warming Bed: $28.99. Kitties of all ages love a cozy bed, but older kitties can especially...
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