Yunnan Baiyao for Bleeding Disorders

 What is Yunnan Baiyao? Yunnan Baiyao (also known as Yunnan Paiyao, Yun Nan Bai Yao) is a Chinese herbal medication that originated in the Yunnan province of China. "Bai" means white and "Yao" means medicine. This "white medicine" has been used for over 100 years...

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Pet Acupuncture for Urinary Incontinence

  Acupuncture Was Used to Treat Urinary Incontinence in a Mixed Breed dog.  Abstract: Acupuncture therapy was used to successfully treat urinary incontinence in a mixed breed dog. A one month course of weekly, dry needle acupuncture therapy was used, followed by...

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Fear Free Senior Pet Care

  Hampton Roads Veterinary Hospice is proud to be a part of a new initiative sweeping veterinary medicine designed to ease the stress, fear, and anxiety so many pets experience while seeing the veterinarian. Known as Fear Free™, the training and certification...

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The Benefits of Acupuncture for Senior Pets

  Senior pets typically have more than one ailment or injury that requires extra attention. As pets age, they also tend to become more anxious, their appetite decreases, and they may not respond as well to previously effective medications. Acupuncture can be a...

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The Benefits of Cranberries for Pets

Western Benefits: Cranberries contain a variety of anti-oxidants, including Anthocyanins, which are thought to be some of the strongest antioxidants of those that have been tested. Anthocyanins are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Cranberries also...

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The Benefits of Pumpkin for Pets

Western Benefits: Many times holiday posts warn dog owners of potential hazards of holiday table foods or commonly used decorations. We wanted to call your attention to beneficial holiday treats that are super healthy for dogs and Thanksgiving is less than a week away...

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Home Cooked Pet Food

Why do we recommend home-cooking your pet's food? We recommend home-cooking for your pet for the same reason healthy food is recommended for people. Fresh, real food from reputable sources is the best way to give our pets the nutrients their bodies need. Freshly...

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Cognitive Dysfunction in Pets

Cognitive dysfunction is a syndrome of brain changes which affect dogs and cats "of a certain age". It can be a very challenging disease to treat because often cognitive dysfunction does not shorten a pet's life expectancy, but it can significantly interrupt the pets'...

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Healing Soup for Pets

  Soups have long been used for their nourishing properties. Just think back to your childhood when you were sick, was there anything better than a hot bowl of soup to make you feel better? This tradition has extended down through cultures and time because it...

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Herbal Cupcakes for Dogs

  Chinese herbal medication can be used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions in dogs and cats. These medications are concentrated formations of plant material that have been shown through the centuries to benefit certain conditions. Chinese herbs are...

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Yunnan Baiyao for bleeding disorders

What is Yunnan Baiyao? Yunnan Baiyao (also known as Yunnan Paiyao, Yun Nan Bai Yao) is a Chinese herbal medication that originated in the Yunnan province of China. “Bai” means white and “Yao” means medicine. This “white medicine” has been used for over 100 years in...

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Full Circle Pain Management for Arthritis in Dogs & Cats

Arthritis is a very common condition in pets, but the pain arthritis can cause is often overlooked by families or misinterpreted as their pet "just slowing down" as they age. The underlying disease process is slightly different in dogs (Osteoarthritis) and cats...

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Medicinal Mushrooms for Pets with Cancer

Studies are ongoing at the University of Pennsylvania regarding the use of the Coriolus versicolor (Yunzhi) mushroom in dog patients who are being treated for hemangiosarcoma. The initial study in 2012 showed promising results, an increase in the survival time (199...

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Golden Paste: Tumeric for Dog Health

You probably know turmeric as a common cooking spice used in curries. The herbaceous plant, also known as Curcuma longa, has many uses that go far beyond your kitchen! Numerous clinical trials in dogs have shown the potential health benefits of turmeric. It has shown...

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National Animal Hospice Day

In recent years, the field of animal hospice has grown, as an increasing number of people seek to provide a peaceful end-of-life experience for their companions. However, too often, pet parents are still forced to make difficult decisions about their pets’ final days...

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Introducing our new Hospice Center!

We are very excited to announce the opening of our brand new Hospice Center in Virginia Beach! This center will allow us to add additional services for our wonderful patients and clients while continuing to provide compassionate in-home hospice services. We will now...

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Early Care and Planning for your Aging Pet

As an end-of-life mobile veterinarian who is also of a certain age (forty one...derful to be precise,) I can tell you that I'm definitely beginning to appreciate wear and tear on my body. I need to take my vitamin I (ibuprofen) more frequently for aches and pains and...

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Heart Disease in Dogs and Cats

Heart Disease in Dogs What are some of the common heart diseases in dogs? Mitral valve disease- This is when the mitral valve becomes thickened and cannot close correctly. This causes an improper flow of the blood through the heart, making the heart work harder and...

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Holiday Craft Keepsakes for Pets

As a gentle reminder, particularly if attempting a DIY paw print, remember that many pets are sensitive about their paws and may be wary if you're asking them to dip their paws in paint, salt dough or other medium. Be sure to give lots of treats, take breaks, or forgo...

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Tips for Keeping Your Senior Pets Healthy and Happy

Did you know that November is National Senior Pet Month? It is also Pet Cancer Awareness month. With this in mind, here are some tips for keeping your senior pets healthy and happy. Tip #1: Be proactive in your senior pet's health In our senior pets, the "wait and...

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Black Cat Appreciation Day!

August 17th, 2022 Black cat appreciation day is here! Time to celebrate all things black cat and learn a little more about the wonderful world of "house panthers". Dr. Kerry's black cat, Snowball Black cats are among the most common color of cats seen in the U.S....

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Black Cat Appreciation Day

August 17th, 2020 Black cat appreciation day is here! Time to celebrate all things black cat and learn a little more about the wonderful world of "house panthers". Dr. Kerry's black cat, Snowball Black cats are among the most common color of cats seen in the U.S....

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Social Distancing with Senior Pets

It is no doubt that the cancelled concerts, travel plans, and other summer adventures are a disappointment from this pandemic. There has also been quite a bit of generalized stress and anxiety in this time. However, I find myself grateful for all of the time I have to...

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Tips for Keeping Your Senior Pet Cool in the Summer Heat

On a recent camping trip to Salida, CO we decided to visit the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park. It was an anxiety-filled day for me, and not simply because I was traversing a suspension bridge thousands of feet above the Arkansas river. It was 100 degrees, and I was...

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Self Care Practices for Social Distancing

Written by: Grief Support Specialist, Mandi Browning I hope this message finds you safe and healthy! What a time we are living in. Many of us have never seen anything like this pandemic in our lifetime. We are working from home, schooling our children from home and...

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Benefits of Walking your Dog

January is National Walk Your Pet Month. It's not to late to celebrate with your dog and explore the benefits of this healthy activity. Your cat would likely politely decline the offer, but keep an eye on the Caring Pathways blog for at home cat enrichment ideas in...

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